Muscle relax


Inhibits uncontrolled muscle contractions in sports Pickle juice with vinegar, quinine and ginger With magnesium to support normal muscle function For prevention or in case of acute need


Uncontrolled muscle contractions and their consequences (cramps, muscle tension, hardening, twitching) are a common phenomenon in endurance and game sports and lead to a performance restriction or failure. Typical causes (especially cramps) are mechanical overload or a lack of fluid, electrolytes and energy.

MUSCLE RELAX from SPONSER® is supposed to aid in such situations. The innovative formulation of pickle juice and vinegar concentrate is based on functional ingredients which have been shown in numerous studies (Miller et al 2010, Craighead et al 2017) to reduce symptoms and improve muscle function.

The practical serving size vials can be taken both acutely and preventively for muscle relaxation, especially in cases of increased susceptibility to cramps (e.g. during exercise or at rest during the night),